Have you ever felt like your choices, behaviours or maybe even your thoughts were not your own? As if your action, your reactions or your inherent patterns were being governed by something more distantly powerful. That these constructs are not necessarily aligned with YOUR being…or even in accordance with YOUR true natures intent.

As if you are a puppet being mastered and shaped by a phantom puppeteer, rather then from your OWN experiences.

In recent years you’ve probably heard more and more talk about research exploring the idea of inherited family trauma, epigenetic influences and inter/transgenerational trauma that manifests in our current reality. But what exactly does this mean?…and how does past trauma impact us from one generation to the next? How do fragments of our ancestral and generational past, memories, unspoken truths and even body sensations live on in our current reality? How do ideas, beliefs, constructs and patterns adopted from past events become part of OUR matrix and evolutionary Being.

Ultimately these imprints can be meshed and submerged in our physical and energetic body; waiting for the right time to reach out from our PAST to seek resolution and healing in our PRESENT. A transgenerational incoherence, or what is known among the Osteopathic nomenclature, as a spasm, may occur when a tangible manifestation is passed down through our ancestral lineage. Where our current realities and puppetry may NOT lie in our own story but rather those stories told and felt by our parents, grandparents or even great grandparents.

So what constitutes an incoherence or discontinuity?…some origins may include: things left unsaid, lies, half truths, blanks or voids in continuity or history, consequences of certain religious/political/educational dogmas, abuse, unresolved emotional issues, invisible loyalties, etc. The discontinuity may be considered quite literal as it affects the transmission of forces, our gifts and our talents within our lineage…altering ones’ capacity and freedom to express SELF. It can influence ones’ sense of belonging, pride, honour and dignity. It may also lead to misconceptions of some aspects of yourself and your life experiences…and, it can even impact ones’ overall physiology, behaviours and freedom of choice.

Osteopathically we may notice consequences in:
• interrelationships of different functions and their corresponding parts
• the vascular, visceral, endocrine, immune and autonomic systems
• the expression of rhythms, amplitude and overall vitality
• distortions or imbalances in the electromagnetic field/activity, as well as, your chakras system transmitting energetic vortices to the physical body
• distortions or imbalances of a patients’ true nature

So how can we end the traumatic generational cycle. Is it possible to use these incoherence’s as a potent opportunity for healing? Can we break free from what ultimately does not belong to us and step into our OWN power and inherent SELF? The answer is YES.

There are a number of allied healthcare practitioners that may have training in healing intergenerational family trauma, where most always an interdisciplinary approach will be recommended to support your healing. Some examples include, but are not limited to: Energy and Body Workers, Body Talkers, Shamans, Family Constellation Work, Psychologists and Osteopathic Practitioners.

For the sake of this article I will comment solely on an Osteopathic approach to exploring transgenerational trauma. An Osteopathic Practitioner, trained in this specific work, will allow your physiology to find its own vitality and truth, treating any barriers that may impact your conscious process. It may evoke memory’s, perception of events, sensations and even recollections that you otherwise were unware…ultimately having an impact on circuits and neuronal interfaces. This healing process is an inside job, your own journey, a path that only YOU can decide to follow. Your Osteopathic Practitioners will merely offer a neutral point, where a safe mechanism of support is held so you can engage your personal process of becoming. Even though this is an inside job…it doesn’t mean it is a solo job. This type of work is deeply layered and can be quite transformative, having your cheerleaders and supporters around you is essential. Whether it is the practitioners that work closely with you, your family, your partner and/or close friends, or all of the above…they will be fundamental in supporting you and your healing journey.

According to Andean teaching, among the mind, body and spirit…it is the MIND that has the capacity to deeply transform. Healing this deep layer of trauma will allow you the capacity to step into the space your true nature and existence intended. There will no longer be any superimpositions, overlapping realities or distortions. An opportunity to renew the relationships with your parents and the people who came before you. A time for letting go of the constructs that are not aligned. To dissolve the puppet stings and their masters. To discover new perceptions, ideas and experiences through a new lens. A journey that is heart focused, full of gratitude and thankfulness, inner peace, forgiveness and freedom…the ultimate surrender.

A journey back to yourself…along your own yellow brick road…where every brick is laid down by your OWN authenticity, thoughts, behaviours, gifts, ideas and realizations…one where YOU have the fullest capacity to step into your potential…a golden path, truly aligned by YOUR awakening and SELF embodiment.

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