Vancouver Wellness and Osteopathy Blog
Let’s sing together
December Holidays... even though the snow is late to show itself on the local mountains this winter, it is this time of the year you can wander the streets or the parks surrounded by festive lights, sipping your hot wine or apple cider while you sing Christmas...
Healing Arthritis with Osteopathy
The most common chronic health condition in Canada - Arthritis More than six million Canadians experience the daily impact of arthritis. It is estimated that this number will grow 40% by 2040. People often come into see an Osteopathic Practitioner with their MRI or...
Osteopathy after surgery
You booked your first session with an Osteopathic Practitioner at Ananta Wellness & Osteopathy. Maybe you are having lower back pain. Maybe your knee is giving you some trouble. Maybe you have been constipated for a long time. Maybe you have headaches. Then amongst...
The Hidden illness of Postpartum Depression
Pregnancy, labour and delivery is a powerful and demanding experience that leaves a mothers body with major structural, nervous, hormonal and emotional changes. These changes often create imbalances and disharmony in the body leaving new moms vulnerable, with...
The silent opponent
A concussion is defined as a physiologic disruption of brain function resulting from traumatic forces transmitted to the head. Forces transmitted to the head does not necessarily mean direct forces to the head. Any trauma could be the cause; including whiplash, a fall...
Travel with your organs
Traveling is a wonderful experience, a real awesome-memory maker but there can be a down side. Depending on how far away you go, the fatigue of travel and the adaptation to time changes can ruin the first days - and sometimes even weeks - of your stay and/or when you...
Sitting is the new Smoking
Sitting at a desk, in the car or on the sofa for most of the day can have detrimental effects on our bodies; resulting, in muscle tension/tightness in our neck, back, and hips which can lead to headaches and restrict the movements in these joints. Sitting for long...
A gut feeling
Let’s talk about guts! There’s been an influx of calls to the clinic inquiring about osteopathic treatment and its effects on Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) so it’s high time we wrote about it. What is IBS? IBS tends to be a catch all phrase for a long list of...
I recently had the opportunity to hear a group of three amazing female panellists speak at a Wellness Summit in Penticton, BC; the first question the trio was asked was “what is the number one thing people are looking for when they book an appointment?”...
The Power of the Breath
Breathing is an essential part of life and in many situations it is compromised by things, such as lifting weights, poor posture and even feeling stressed. Sometimes we don’t even realise we are holding our breath or only using our upper ribs and accessory muscles...
V is for Vagus
The vagus nerve is gaining popularity in today’s media. So why is it so important? We will work to answer that today! We talk a lot about our body’s stress response, driven by our sympathetic nervous system and made up of our ‘fight or flight’ response. For example,...
Spring is Back, so are Allergies…
Spring is such an amazing season - temperature becomes warmer, birds are back to waking you up with their sweet singing, your summer clothes start to replace your winter ones and the trees are blossoming in the streets…A perfect transition into summer. BUT... yes,...
Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
Oh, the Places You’ll Go! Those are famous words from Dr. Seuss and so fitting for our blog today about Pediatrics and Osteopathy. Jen wrote a couple weeks about orgasms, seems about right that we follow that up with a blog about kids☺ Now, you may be asking yourself...
The two Big “O’s” – Osteopathy & Orgasm: how to bring the “Ohhh” back in Orgasm
What we know about orgasms? So much of what we expect and know about female sexuality is highly influenced by the porn industry, and until just recently when 50 shades of grey hit the shelves, women were reluctant to even approach the taboo subject. It should be no...
Osteopathy Manual Practice Simply Explained!
Since recently moving to Canada and starting my Osteopathic practice here in Vancouver it's become evident that Osteopathy is not nearly as well known here as it is in France. I find that many of my patients are much more familiar with physiotherapy and chiropractic...
New Year’s Resolutions or NOT?
Good timing or a Calendar Coincidence? On the heels of the most indulgent holiday we have all year is it a coincidence that the New Year, the season of renewed self-improvement, is upon us? After all the over-eating, the over-spending, the one too many festive...
Mindful Tips to Reduce Stress and Anxiety During the Holidays
Do you get Stressed Out Around the Holidays? Only a handful of shopping days left! If those few words caused your blood pressure to rise and your palms began to sweat, you are not alone! With the holiday season starting earlier then ever, yes Christmas decorations...
Preventative Health Care with Osteopathy Manual Practice
Most people usually call an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner to help them when they are in pain, unwell, or suffering from an injury. Did you know that Osteopathic Manual Therapy is not only a curative treatment but it can also be used as preventative health care to...