Spring is such an amazing season – temperature becomes warmer, birds are back to waking you up with their sweet singing, your summer clothes start to replace your winter ones and the trees are blossoming in the streets…A perfect transition into summer. BUT… yes, sadly there is a “but”, spring has also a “snifflely” side for so many people.

Spring also means the return of pollen and allergens making some cough, sneeze and have terrible itching sensations down their throat or in their eyes. Some people are so susceptible that they depend on their anti-histamine medications more than their morning coffee, kind of sad isn’t it?

So to these people (and I know what I’m talking about because I’m one of them) I’m happy to say that we can help! I won’t try to pretend that we can cure you from your allergies, but we can help to prevent most irritation from occurring, or at least have allergies impact you at a lesser level. We can help ease your symptoms and hopefully have you enjoy spring, even a little… and this is how.

Symptoms of seasonal allergies

People who are suffering from allergic rhinitis (a fancy way of saying hay fever) have a hypersensitivity of their nasal mucosa, which once in contact with the allergen (e.g. pollen) will provoke inflammation of the surrounding tissues leading to well-known symptoms and their consequences:

– Sneezing
– Nasal congestion
– Runny nose
– Itchy throat
– Headaches
– Itchy and watery eyes
– Breathing could be harder

How Osteopathy Manual Therapy can help

Your Osteopathic Manual Practitioner has at their disposal various techniques to reduce the effects of these symptoms – when they are already there but also as a preventative therapy, one of the main purposes of Osteopathy Manual Therapy, prevention!

Preventative Treatment

The aim is to reduce your sensitivity. Your Osteopathic Practitioner will work on all the structures and tissues of the ears, nose and throat sphere (also known commonly as ENT) to decrease tensions and inflammation of the mucosa, which is primarily responsible for your allergy symptoms.

We will also check your entire body and address the dysfunctions that could be having a negative influence on the ENT sphere. We can then focus on the areas specifically involved with your symptoms, such as the base of the skull, nose, ears, cranium, bronchi and throat. The purpose is to increase the mobility of the area, in order to reduce the inflammation of the mucosa.


Sinuses are on the frontline when it comes to allergies. The membranes that line your sinus cavities, your nose and throat are very sensitive and are irritated by the contact of allergens, becoming inflamed and itchy. Sinuses are also irritated by mucus inside, whether you are suffering from nasal congestion or just a runny nose. The work of the Osteopathic Manual Practitioner will ensure the flow and drainage of your mucus is working efficiently, releasing the pressure responsible for headaches, fatigue and an unusual irritability.


The neck is a very important area with many nerves, arteria, veins and lymphatic vessels running through it. It is an area dense with both structures and tissues that when compressed can lead to compromised function and restraining their actions. What this means for you – the lymphatic network becomes less efficient draining your fluids from your head and arms; thus, keeping you in an inflamed state, contributing to nasal congestion and/or watery eyes. Your Osteopathic Practitioner will make sure these area are free from constraints so the fluid flow is the most efficient it could be.

Neuro-vegetative system

Allergies and their consequences can also be due to an imbalance of your neuro-vegetative system, simply put, the nervous system that is managing all the functions of your body you don’t need to be conscious thinking about. Examples of this are your digestion, breathing, blood stream and pressure, and more. For instance… a nerve ganglion, known as the Stellar Ganglion, can interpret wrong information signaled by dysfunction in your chondrocostal (a joint in your chest connecting your rib to cartilage) leading to an overreacting immune system. Osteopathic Practitioners can address these dysfunctions and work on the neuro-vegetative system to reestablish balance and harmony, and in term, normalizing the immune system’s reactions.


One of the body’s most common and important diaphragms is located at the bottom of your rib cage, separating the thorax from the abdomen, and it is the principal muscle of breathing. Dysfunction can occur here at the level of your diaphragm as a result of coughing frequently and sneezing all day. This causes spasm of your diaphragm, increased tightness, reduced mobility and difficulties breathing. By working on your diaphragm, your Osteopathic Manual Practitioner can release these tensions, improve its mobility, its efficiency, and ease your breathing.


Ribs can also be impacted by allergies by repetitive coughing and sneezing. We have twelve pairs of ribs that envelope and protect our thoracic spine and organs, as well, as assist with breathing. Their mobility can be impacted at their attachment sites, either at the vertebrae (at the back) or sternum/cartilage (in the front). Coughing and sneezing can also impact the connective tissue and the tiny muscles used to assist breathing. Some muscles, if irritated, can also affect intercostal nerves, contributing to even more dysfunction making it hard and/or uncomfortable to breathe normally. Making sure the ribs are free from constraints and mobile will help promote good respiration, making you stronger to face allergies.

So yes, spring’s “snifflely” side is powerful and its agents are everywhere in the air, but we do have powerful tools too to help you fight it back. Of course, as wonderful as this therapy can be, it can’t replace classical medicine especially if you are suffering from severe allergies with strong impact on your breathe, so consulting your general practitioner is highly recommended to be advised and to avoid serious complications.

Please feel free to contact us or to leave a comment to share your experience, should you have any question or need any further information.

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